- sessile spikelet
- сидячий колосок* * *сидячий колосок
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
abortiva — , abortivum L. aborted. 1) The sessile spikelet of each pair is sterile. Digitaria abortiva 2) the apex of rhachis projects as a bristle beyond the uppermost spikelet. Panicum abortivum … Etymological dictionary of grasses
euchaetus — Gk eu , well; chaete, bristle. The lower glume of the sessile spikelet has a long bifid awn and that of the stalked spikelet a long single awn … Etymological dictionary of grasses
heterogama — Gk heteros, different; gamos, marriage. 1) Sessile spikelet sterile and pedicellate fertile. Apocopis heterogama 2) lower florets and spikelet bisexual or male and upper florets female. Poa heterogama … Etymological dictionary of grasses
occultum — L. hidden. Sessile spikelet small, developing in the axil of the pedicel of the stalked spikelet, and thus easily overlooked … Etymological dictionary of grasses
anemopaegma — Gk anemos, wind; paigma, play. The long hairy awn on the lemma of the sessile spikelet causes the inflorescence to shake in the slightest breeze … Etymological dictionary of grasses
Apocopis — Gk apo , separate; kopis, meat cleaver. The sessile spikelet is truncate … Etymological dictionary of grasses
bipennatum — , bipennatus L. bis, twice; pinna, feather; atum, possessing. The fertile sessile spikelet is subtended by two feathery pedicels which lack the male spikelets customarily present in related species … Etymological dictionary of grasses
castratus — L. castro, castrate. Sessile spikelet of pair only one present … Etymological dictionary of grasses
Gryllus — , gryllus Gk gryllus, cricket. The spikelets are in clusters of three which together bear a fanciful resemblance to a cricket. Furthermore, the spikelets are shed as triads which move erratically in response to the twisting and untwisting of… … Etymological dictionary of grasses
impressa — , impressum, impressus L. imprimo, press in. Lower glume of sessile spikelet deeply concave … Etymological dictionary of grasses
leprodes — Gk lepros, rough; odes, indicating resemblance. Lower glume of sessile spikelet densely scabrid … Etymological dictionary of grasses